Zephyr and Being Absent
I know it's hard not to feel guilty when something goes wrong. I was in Houston this past week on business. Zephyr was at Dr. Weston's on Monday and had the worst reacton that she has ever seen to a distemper vaccine. I wasn't there for Zephy and I could have lost her. Thankfully I'm told Zephy is just fine. I still wish I could have been there for the five hours she spent in the vet's office.
I hate that I have to travel so much for work right now and that I don't have the time I'd like with the ferrets. OTOH, at least I'm able to pay vet bills now.
FWIW, this is the third time one of my ferrets has had an anaphylactic reaction to a vaccination. Nyssa had one to her rabies vaccine in 2000 and Podo had one to his rabies vaccine in 2003. Both nearly died.
I hope to get to spend time with the little weasels later in the week, but that's still up in the air.